Dr. David C. Holmes

Founding Director

Dr. David C. Holmes is one of Australia’s foremost climate communicators. He is an award winning founder of the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub in Australia, of which he was inaugural director for seven years. He later went on to found Nodes of the Hub in Malaysia and Indonesia.

David is co-editor of the Edward Elgar Handbook on Communicating Climate Change, and a former columnist for the Conversation, where he wrote on media, political climates and climate change.

Since 2019 he has served as a National Council Member of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, and as a Climate Science and Knowledge Management Expert Panellist: Australian Pacific Partnership Support Unit.

Since 2018, David has been a member of the Media-Climate Network of Climate Journalists across 22 countries and an Expert Member of the Australian Science Media Centre

Formerly, an Associate Professor in Media and Communications, David has lectured on the Australian and international media industries for over 20 years and , whilst at Monash, was a co-recipient of the Dean of Arts Award for Excellence in Research Impact (2019), as well as the Dean of Science’s Award for Excellence in Research Impact (2020). David has also completed a course of training with the Bureau of Meteorology covering forecasting of extreme weather, synoptic scale systems and climate drivers for Australia.