Dr. Simon Torok

Dr Simon Torok is CEO and Director of Scientell (www.scientell.com.au), a science communication business specialising in environmental and climate change communication. He distils technical information for non-scientific audiences to communicate the importance of science in our lives and its role in understanding the environment. Simon completed a PhD in climate change science at the University of Melbourne, and has a Graduate Diploma in Science Communication from the Australian National University. He has managed marine and atmospheric science communication for CSIRO in Australia and climate change science communication for the Tyndall Centre in England. He was editor of the Helix and Scientriffic science magazines, and has published more than 200 newspaper, magazine and scientific journal articles. Simon is an experienced public speaker, having given hundreds of presentations to a variety of audiences, and has made numerous appearances on television and radio, including on live TV broadcasts, chat shows and children’s TV programs. He has co-authored 20 popular science and climate change books, several of which have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean and Hungarian